Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coffee Review: Starbucks Coffee's Tribute Blend


Starbucks Coffee's Tribute Blend is yet another commemorative coffee. Joining Pike Place Roast, Thanksgiving Blend, Christmas Blend, and Anniversary Blend, among others, Tribute was introduced to mark a special occasion. In this case, that special occasion is Starbucks' 40th anniversary. Yes, Starbys is now middle-aged.

Tribute blend is perhaps the most diverse, powerhouse blend that Starbucks has ever created. It combines 4 different coffees: Sun-dried Ethiopia, Aged Sumatra, Papua New guinea, and Colombia. These coffees have been used in premium promotional coffees sold throughout the company's history and have been brought together in this blend.

Tasting: Aroma*****; powerful! Explosions of tangy tangerine, cinnamon, and spices. Acidity***; mild. Somewhat of a punchy bite on the sides of the tongue. Body*****; very heavy. Lingers thickly on the palate, envelopes the mouth, and leaves a dominant aftertaste. Flavor***; very subtle hints of lemon, oranges, nuts, and spices. Overtaken by the darkness of the roast.

I recommend this coffee to anyone who enjoys darker roasts like "Italian" or "French," or anyone who enjoys Asian coffees. The Aged Sumatra and Papua New Guinea really come through in this coffee!

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