Background: Costa Rica Terrazu is perhaps the finest growing region in the world. In addition to being one of the most technologically advanced origins, twelve percent of the entire population of Costa Rica is employed within the coffee industry. Costa Rica is also the home of the Cosecha de Oro, a famed international contest hosted by the Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica with the intent of bringing the origin's best coffees to harvest. The winners are put up for auction and purchased by some of the finest specialty coffee traders in the world. Many of these winners, in the past, have come from Terrazu. Archer Farms' Terrazu coffee is probably one of these cheapest on the market.

Tasting: Aroma****; powerfully creamy lavender with a hint of spice/mint and cocoa. Acidity***; some mild biting along the sides and tip of the tongue. Body*****; heavily creamed body lingering profoundly on the back of the palate. Flavor****; butter cream, cocoa, subtle mint, and light berries.
I recommend this coffee to anyone who enjoys fine coffees. It is one of Target's staple Archer Farms coffees and carries quite a bang for its buck.
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