Background: Tanzania is one the premier emerging markets of coffee production in Africa. Next to Kenyan and Ethiopian, Tanzanian coffee is the African coffee that is probably most likely to show up in a specialty coffee outlet. Most coffee in Tanzania is grown in the northern part of the county in the hills of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The 'Peaberry' in 'Tanzania Peaberry' refers not to a region but rather to a manner in which the coffee cherry grows. Normally, two seeds grow within the cherry. The 'peaberry' cherry is the exception, with only one seed growing within the fruit. The result is probably the cutest coffee been one can lay eyes on. Most 'peaberry' coffee comes from Tanzania as the country has a vast supply of this exceptional breed of coffee.

Tasting: Aroma***; light florally aroma; chamomile, daffodils. Acidity***; mild biting on the back undersides of tongue. Body***; smooth, balanced body lingering faintly and lightly on the tongue. Flavor****; a wild, punchy sensation full of tangerine, sharp honey, and mild grapefruit.
I recommend this coffee to African coffee aficianados. Tanzania Peaberry is the next step in winy intensity beyond Kenyan coffee.
Nice review. Very well put