Background: Burundi, although it has a rich history in coffee production dating back to the 1930s, has just recently become a staple of the specialty coffee industry. Even now, some may consider it a rare gem. As Burundi is an African country from which 96% of the coffee produced is of the Arabica crop, the coffee rarely tastes harsh and is almost always an intricate cup. Kayanza is a city located in northern Burundi, the region from which most specialty Burundian coffee is purchased. Archer Farms, Target's premium food brand, processes its Burundi Kayanza coffee at a washing station called Bwayi, near the Rwandan border. The station, the company claims, works tirelessly to ensure "top quality cherries, just compensation and traceability for specialty lots."

Tasting: Aroma**; very light with some faintly sweet floral notes. Acidity**; some slight and gentle on the tip of the tongue. Body****; very heavily bodied, layering thickly on the back of the tongue. Flavor***; subtle yet pervasive notes of blackberry and lemon.
I recommend this coffee to anyone who is not used to African coffees but wants to explore. The fruity flavor notes are not too intense to turn people away but neither are they completely absent.
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